Course Details

Course Description

A crisis call can be a pivotal moment in intervention with a survivor of domestic violence—it’s often the first point of contact between a survivor and the domestic violence program and opens the door for future advocacy and services. Yet, sometimes the purpose of a crisis call can be murky when a survivor doesn’t talk about violence in her relationship, doesn’t seem concerned for her safety, or calls with a question seemingly unrelated to abuse. Calls like these can make it challenging for hotline staff to identify danger indicators and assess the need for safety planning and other services.

Continuing Education Hours: 1

This training has been approved by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for continuing education hours for state-certified domestic violence shelters.


This webinar will clarify the advocate’s role during a crisis call and explore scenarios that can sometimes lead to missed opportunities for critical services like safety planning and information sharing. The webinar will also share strategies for going beyond the surface level to get a better picture of survivors’ needs and basic safety planning in situations with minimal time available.

Indended Audience

Domestic violence program staff answering crisis line calls and/or managers responsible for training and supervising crisis line staff.

Course Documents and Links