Upcoming Trainings

Substance Use, Trauma, and Domestic Violence- Part 1

Up to 90% of women seeking substance use disorder treatment report experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime, with up to 67% reporting experiencing it in the last year. Join us as we explore the intersection of substance use, trauma and domestic violence[1]. This 2-part virtual training is designed to help advocates navigate the complexities of substance use, including substance use coercion, and its impacts on survivors’ access to essential DV services, including shelter.

 Topics included in the training are:  

·       Identifying the connections between substance use, trauma, and intimate partner violence.

·       Gaining an understanding of best practices and practical tools and skills for supporting needs of survivors who use substances, while moving away from the zero-tolerance model of intervention.

·       Learning strategies for building cross referrals and collaborative relationships with substance use treatment professionals.

[1] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 2019 Information Memorandum on the critical intersections between DV, substance use, and mental health.

08/06/2024 02:00 PM

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Best Practices For Working with Deaf Survivors of Domestic Violence


Deaf individuals are two times more likely to be victims of domestic violence and sexual assault than hearing people; yet studies show they are less likely to receive the important services they need to escape the violence and begin healing. Deaf survivors often face cultural and communication barriers that prevent them from accessing victim services, while many victim service providers feel unprepared to meet these survivors’ unique needs. 


This in- person training is designed to reduce those barriers and equip domestic violence program staff with the knowledge and resources to provide accessible and trauma-informed advocacy with Deaf survivors.  


Topics covered in this training:  

  • Key aspects of Deaf Culture, including norms, values, and traditions within the Deaf community 

  • Unique barriers faced by deaf survivors of domestic violence  

  • Best practices for communication access, including working with interpreters and assistive technology 

  • Resources to support deaf survivors in Georgia and other states 


08/08/2024 09:00 AM

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Domestic Violence Policy Roundtable (Invite only)

Alston & Bird, the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Georgia Justice Project are excited to invite you to an upcoming roundtable discussion focused on policy issues impacting criminalized survivors of domestic violence. Bringing together a group of individuals with diverse perspectives and experiences working with survivors of domestic violence or the criminal legal system, we will discuss the many ways survivors end up involved in the criminal legal system as defendants. We will also explore a number of policy solutions that could effectively address this issue, both pre-trial and post-conviction. We are excited to have your valuable experience and opinions in this important conversation, and we hope that you will join us on August 15th!

Topic of interest: Issues impacting criminalized survivors of domestic violence.

Hosted by: Alston & Bird, Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and the Georgia Innocence Project. 


08/15/2024 10:00 AM

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Best Practices Serving LGBTQIA+ Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

 This 1-day in person training is designed to provide new and experienced advocates who serve survivors of intimate partner violence with the knowledge and skills need to increase competence and understanding of serving surviors from these marginalized communities.  It will also increase advocates’ capacity to understand bias and stigma related to sexual orientation, gender idenity and expression (SOGIE), and their impact on the well-being of LGBTQIA+ survivors navigating the DV/IPV services system.


·        Define terms associated with LGBTQIA+ identities
·      Describe the impact of bias and oppression on LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors
·      Describe issues and challenges that LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors may face
·        Barriers to seeking services 


TUESDAY, August 20th, 2024 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM 


08/20/2024 09:00 AM

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Domestic Violence: What Every Front-line Advocate Should Know

 This training is designed to provide new advocates and domestic violence program staff the basic principles of working with victims of domestic violence.  A variety of topics are addressed including:

• Dynamics of domestic violence

• Barriers faced by victims

• Cultural humility

• Lethality indicators

• Safety planning

• Crisis intervention and crisis line work

• Advocacy foundations such as empowerment, ethics and confidentiality

This interactive training is provided by GCADV staff utilizing lecture, small group activities, role-plays, audiovisuals, and exciting discussion. The training is an excellent opportunity for new advocates to gain a thorough understanding of domestic violence advocacy or for experienced advocates looking for a “refresher” on core knowledge and skills.  

09/10/2024 09:00 AM - 09/12/2024 05:00 PM

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Beyond Self Care: Establishing Healthy Practices for Trauma Exposed Advocates



Working in domestic violence programs often exposes us to other people’s trauma and we don’t always know how to deal with it in healthy ways. The impact of trauma can show up in the way we treat others (both clients and colleagues), our physical and emotional health, and even how we see the world.  Domestic violence advocates and other helping professionals are often told that practicing good self-care outside of work is the answer, but is that enough?  As supervisors, we may overlook or underestimate our role in helping staff integrate wellness practices into their work.  Join us as we go beyond individual self-care to explore healthy workplace practices for trauma exposed advocates. This virtual training will explore the following topics:  


  • What it means to work in a trauma exposed workplace.  

  • Integrating individual wellness practices in the workday.  

  • Building a trauma impacted organizational toolkit to support and sustain trauma exposed advocates. 

09/20/2024 09:30 AM

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Substance Use, Trauma, and Domestic Violence- Part 2

Up to 90% of women seeking substance use disorder treatment report experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime, with up to 67% reporting experiencing it in the last year.1 Join us as we explore the intersection of substance use, trauma and domestic violence. This 2-part virtual training is designed to help advocates navigate the complexities of substance use, including substance use coercion, and its impacts on survivors’ access to essential DV services, including shelter. 

Attendance of Part 1 of this training is not required to register for part 2!  

Join us for part 2 of this important training as we hear from a panel of experienced directors from domestic violence programs and shelters here in GA and from other states, as we seek to apply what we've learned about substance use, trauma, and domestic violence to our work with survivors.  In a guided discussion, the panel will share the struggles and successes of moving away from zero-tolerance policies, the benefits of this shift in approach when supporting survivors, and more.  


[1] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and Administration for Children and Families (ACF) 2019 Information Memorandum on the critical intersections between DV, substance use, and mental health.

09/25/2024 02:00 PM

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Domestic Violence: What Every Front-line Advocate Should Know

 This training is designed to provide new advocates and domestic violence program staff the basic principles of working with victims of domestic violence.  A variety of topics are addressed including:

• Dynamics of domestic violence

• Barriers faced by victims

• Cultural humility

• Lethality indicators

• Safety planning

• Crisis intervention and crisis line work

• Advocacy foundations such as empowerment, ethics and confidentiality

This interactive training is provided by GCADV staff utilizing lecture, small group activities, role-plays, audiovisuals, and exciting discussion. The training is an excellent opportunity for new advocates to gain a thorough understanding of domestic violence advocacy or for experienced advocates looking for a “refresher” on core knowledge and skills.  

12/02/2024 09:00 AM - 12/09/2024 11:59 AM

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